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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone, my name is Drew Davidson! I am 19 years old and I live in Lafayette, Indiana. I just graduated from high school this Spring and since then the Lord has redirected my path in a way I never saw coming. 

Growing up I played baseball for about 13 years and loved the game. I was committed to play baseball at a Junior College in Illinois. I was so excited to finally chase what had been a dream and goal of mine since a child, but the Lord had a different course for me.

I went to a Young Life camp this summer to volunteer for a month to serve high school aged kids like myself. While I was there I felt a complete shift in myself to no longer play baseball. I had put some much of my identity in my success on the field and lost sight of my identity that I have through Christ. 

There was a quote from the book Love Does that I read while I was there. It said, “God asks us to take what we think defines us, leave it behind, and let Him define us instead.” 

So, when I got home from the month, I called my college coach and decommitted. It was two weeks before college started and I was no longer enrolled anywhere… I panicked. I told one of my best friends prior to decommitting that I was having these doubts about the baseball route. Three hours after I got off the phone with my coach, I was just sitting in my living room second guessing my decision, then my friend called me. He told me that there was an open room now in the Young Life house on campus and wanted to know if I wanted to live there. The guy who would’ve lived there got an internship and needed someone to take his lease. Being able to live there was such a God thing. Having a strong community to be around in the coming detours of God was about to reveal was the best scenario. 

After a few weeks of taking classes at the local community college, I had this feeling of God calling me to, “go”. I had no idea what he meant, but I knew that he was going to show me. I prayed and prayed for him to lead me where to go and for weeks I just heard the consistent, “go”. I was scrolling through Instagram one day and there was an Ad for something called World Race and they were offering a 9-month, gap-year mission trip. THIS WAS IT. 

I looked into it and felt the call to do this. I prayed and talked to my family and knew this was where he was calling me to “go”. 

South Africa-Ecuador-Cambodia


I had no idea this was where I would end up 4 months ago, but this is the path he is calling me to. I have already witnessed the things that come with following His guidance and though it didn’t come free from doubts and anxieties, I know he is taking me on a path best fit for the Kingdom.

Feel free to follow along with me on the path set before me.

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 


2 responses to “Recalculating- A little about me!”

  1. Hello Drew,
    I am Cori’s mom. I just wanted to comment on the scripture from Joshua 1:9. I love that scripture and recently have been doing a Bible Study in Joshua with a group of ladies and it is over “worry”…anyways, probably what impacted me the most in this Bible Study is the scripture Joshua 1:8…(I will paraphrase) “Aleays remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings. Study it day and night, obey everything that is written there…and then you will be wise and successfull in everything”
    Here Joshua is getting ready to fight battle after battle and THAT is Gos’s Instructions to him. Personally, I prolly would’ve been looking for a battle plan with strong men and how are we gonna take them out and so forth…but God says this Joshua 1:8…this was like WOW to me because I think of the battles we all face on a daily basis and I think that is what God tells each one of us is Joshua 1:8…”remember my teachings, study them and obey them and then you will be wise and successful. That seems so simple but as we are humans we make it so hard.
    Honestly, don’t know why I felt the need to share that but maybe it is for you or to share which someone else.
    God bless you on your journey of faith!
    Kristi Pflug