
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We have been in Panama for about two weeks now and it has been quite the adjustment. Our squad is staying at a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base in Portarillos, Panama, and doing so many beautiful outreach projects within the community! The Lord is growing me in the craziest of ways. He has been allowing me beautiful evangelism opportunities and teaching me deeper obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Last week our group got the privilege to head up into the mountains to a coffee farm…a dream, I know. We worked in harvesting coffee alongside their local indigenous group here, the Ngäbe (no-BAY) tribe! Some of us worked on the coffee drying tables and took the already dried beans to the roaster while some tore down a pig-pen to prepare in building an outdoor meeting area for all the Ngäbe workers to have church on the property in their own language! 

When at the farm, the aromas rolled from the roasters a ways off to us down by the dryers. We could smell the promise of what was prepared for us once the rains halted our outdoor projects. As the rains fell, we were welcomed into a warm room with nice wood floors and a view of a lifetime, met with some of the best coffee in the world… seriously they’ve won legit awards. 

At the end of our ministry day, we got the privilege to see the entire process of their coffee. Witnessing the beans go from the drying table to learning how to ‘cup’ the coffee like a professional was a full and beautiful learning moment. After this extensive experience, one of the guys on the squad asked the owner, David, a simple question. He asked, “What kind of coffee do you drink when you go back home to the United States?”

His answer was straightforward and sounded the slightest bit snobby.

“I drink my coffee. Once you’ve tasted the best, you don’t want to drink anything less than it.” 


Once we have tasted THE BEST THING in Jesus, we CANNOT drink of anything less than His goodness! There is a huge fear expressed by this squad that when they get back stateside in June they won’t, “drink of the best thing.” It is a legitimate concern because the process takes much longer and exponentially more discipline to drink of what He offers…to not settle for a $3 fix in the drive-through of faith that is encouraged in the West. The process leads to life and life abundant, but it’s not the normal way. It is something we have to commit to if we want to taste the notes of joy and love and so much more that runs so deeply through the presence of God Almighty. We GET to draw near, allow Him to check us over, and walk at His pace through the intentional proceeding of our faith, teaching us of the yet uncovered mysteries of being His disciple. His presence is the best thing and it takes time and intentionality. Do not settle for the world’s quick cup of joe.





6 responses to “The Finest Things in Life”

  1. Love this Drew! You know how much I love coffee (and Teri loves it just as much) so the analogy hits home!! Looking forward to having a great cup of coffee with you in less than 2 weeks!!!!

  2. Yes.. do not settle but savor what our Savior has for us when we truly follow and seek him. Thanks for the reminder!! God bless all of you!

  3. Right on point, Drew…thank you for challenging us in our faith walks! Love you!!! Gma Davidson

  4. Wow isn’t it amazing how he has put you in a coffee environment to learn. He is so good, but, so are your messages. I pray we all continue to live in the good stuff and not “acceptable”. Love you Drew and praying for you and the team.